Copyright © 2009 , BANU HAASHIM POETRY, KZN. South Africa . All Rights Reserved     

"The Call"

He came, He called , He cried
The earth lit up with glowing pride!!
People flocked to hear His words
All surrounded , even the birds
His fragrance had them spellbound
His character was perfect and speech profound
صلى الله عليه وسلم  was His blessed name
Spreading the true deen His only aim
Disbelievers turned to Him in anger
Eyes blazing with a raging fire
They boycotted Him and His loving family
Our beloved Nabi 
صلى الله عليه وسلم  had to eat leaves of a tree!!
At Taif they stoned his Mubarak body
Blood flowed into His shoes slowly, slowly
"Should I crush them" asked
الله  the Almighty?
No ,was the reply, a believer might emerge from amongst their progeny!!
Insides of a camel were placed on His back
Little Fatima sobbing, seeing this attack
Tears flow as the pen writes
Crying for us, were His days and His nights!!
Ummati,ummati, last words upon His breath
concern for us even during death
We love you, our beloved Nabi 
صلى الله عليه وسلم  who sacrificed for His Ummah
We wish to rise up ,next to You, on the day of Qiyaamah 
الصلوة والسلام عليك يارسول الله  صلى الله عليه وسلم
Ya Rasoolallah Ya Habiballah
Salla Alaika Ya Rasoolallah
Wassallam Alaika Ya Habiballah..